When I see articles like this, I come to understand that our government has the capability to go after real criminals and put a stop to a lot of issues that we currently have, but they choose not to. Rather, they prioritize other things, like "suspects" who were not even there.

On the other hand, they will of course let every arsonist and murderer during the BLM protestors off scot-free.

Remember, our government is evil and hates you.


I do not call for our government to become benevolent and "do more" to address issues. Rather, I would prefer they piss off and leave people more alone and allow people to solve problems more or less on their own. Some subsidiarity would be great, so that if there is a problem with criminals in your area, you can get others in your area to address the issue without these assholes impeding progress so that they can do jack shit to address the issues.

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