One of my fave types of roastie cope. They never realize that the "beautiful" women they post are the absolute outliers, the rarest of the rare. Robbie has had millions to spend in order to insure her primary asset to find work.

She has no kids, no family to absorb her time. She can devote herself entirely to looking as youthful and beautiful as possible....and this is the best she can do

@WashedOutGundamPilot And she's still less beautiful than she'd probably be if she'd had 2-3 kids by now.

Also, just to flex on the roastie, Robbie at 18 is still better than 33, 18 looks cute (probably some makeup), 33 is mostly makeup and it's pretty obvious.

@Gundog @WashedOutGundamPilot Not just mostly makeup, but the whole works for some major event. The pic at 18 looks like she is on a camping trip. No shit she is not going to be looking quite as "presentable" as she is when she pulls out all the stops in her appearance.

Most men can ignore the fact that a woman has no makeup on and see if she if she is attractive or not. The makeup and hair routines are for when they are trying to stealth compete with other women.

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