On one hand, I expect this to just be political grandstanding by Republicans to make it look like they are "doing something" when they expect any expulsion efforts to fail.

On the other hand, Ilhan Omar has been very anti-Israel for a long time, and if we know anything about our politics, being "anti-Semetic" is a sure way to get ousted from power, considering that a certain overrepresented group in the Cathedral has been going hard against anyone who does not support their Zionist agenda.


If she is removed, it will not be due to the voters in her district. They are either the Somalians she admits to be representing first and foremost or are the most cucked progressive leftists who would vote for her no matter what (just look at how blue her district is, given that it is Comminneapolis).

So I have no idea how it would happen, but considering all things in the balance, it could really go either way.

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