@LovecraftEnthusiast They should just go ahead and jail the baby criminals now since obviously they're just gonna grow up to commit some crime and wind up in jail anyways. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. Just look at niggers in the USA: generation after generation of degenerate scum criminals.

@caekislove @LovecraftEnthusiast *Please let the criminal 1% terrorize the population, think of their children. What about the other 99% and their children? Fuck 'em.*

@marlin @caekislove @LovecraftEnthusiast There have always been children of criminals around. I have seen very few cases where a criminal was granted an exception to being imprisoned because of his children.

What we have here is a manipulation tactic by our leftist progressive media who hates the fact that locking up criminal scum actually solves the crime problems. They just hope that you will forget every other case where children are affected by arrests of their parents.

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@houseoftolstoy @marlin @LovecraftEnthusiast In the USA we have a big group of people whose parents snuck into the country illegally and raised them here that we're not allowed to deport because reasons. 🙄 They also get free college, for some reason. 🤷

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