@RustyCrab I think it’s much more likely we’re looking at brain damage in action, except unironically.
@Hoss @dcc @Elf @RustyCrab @gnarley_boot @Nudhul Most cases of inconsistencies with leftist outrage can be attributed to them simply looking for any factor they can use as a weapon against their enemies. They do not care that usually are all against restricting borders normally. They just hope that they can use "crossing state lines" as something that will get Kyle convicted for his "crime" of defending himself against rabid leftists who totally were not there for dubious reasons themselves.
@Hoss @dcc @Elf @RustyCrab @gnarley_boot @Nudhul To clarify further, they are not necessarily inconsistent, but rather they are placing certain principles higher than others. Leftists "protesting" (basically just doing anything they want regardless of how they harm others because they are doing it for "the correct reasons") is considered more important than their hatred of borders. So they push the lesser ideal aside to support the more important one.