Huh, would you look at that. A bad take from a single, childless woman bending religion to her purposes

Weird, huh

@WashedOutGundamPilot If you are a woman reaching the age of 25 and are saving yourself for marriage and are still unmarried, you need to ask yourself if you are truly doing everything you can to find a husband. Because when you have the greatest power of choice as a young woman, you still being single indicates that you have not placed enough priority in finding a husband.

Men are a different story.


@WashedOutGundamPilot For a man, it is much more difficult to be in a position where you can choose to be married. You have to fight a lot harder to make yourself worth something and be a marriageable man. This is for both good reasons (you should be a hard worker that can provide for a family to be husband-material) and bad reasons (many women are picky in the most idiotic and frivolous ways).

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@WashedOutGundamPilot It is less of a red flag for a 25 year old man to be unmarried when he wants to be than it is for a woman who us unmarried but wants to be. Sure, a man can put in real effort and make this possible, but he has far more obstacles to consider than a woman in this case.

But back to the post, this woman seems to advocate for giving up even trying rather than telling people to marry younger. Which shows where her priorities are.

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