"good" girl (fat) thinks she'll find a handsome, loving prince on tinder after a decade of the platform's gamification

Instead of using her "doctor" brains to check for errors in her plan, she decides she's the lesser for not "living" by partying with the flotsam of the sex world


@WashedOutGundamPilot Either her parents did her a disservice by not telling her that "focusing on her education" is not a good plan if you want marriage at a reasonable age or she is just an idiot thinking that she is "traditional" while looking to become a doctor while leaving no time for dating.

I am baffled that any woman can somehow find no time to husband hunt when she claims that she wants to be married and have children in her life. There is time, if you make it.

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@WashedOutGundamPilot If she is indeed fat, that's not helping either. But I have seen fat women get relationships/marriage, so even that is not an automatic disqualifier these days.

That may be a statement that shows men's standards being too low in many cases, but it shows that a woman really has to try hard to willfully avoid seeking marriage when she claims to want it.

It seems too few women take husband hunting seriously. Especially when they have the best chance to get one (in their 20s)

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