@Eiswald @imperiumpress to an extent, yes. Though there is still the problem of birth rates being far too low and staying low for too long. Immigration is a false remedy as it does not fix the native fertility rate as well as the fact that it is demographic replacement.
What needs to be done is deal with the root of the issue, which is feminism/female empowerment. But with the Big GAE having too much influence, that problem cannot be addressed properly until the US stops screwing with the world
@Eiswald @imperiumpress Whether feminism continues or not in countries like South Korea is not able to be realized if the US is going to export their progressive faggotry to all countries it exerts control over. Only after the US is no longer a major factor can countries have real self determinism on policies such as feminism and butt sex. Because I really doubt most countries are organically deciding these things on their own.