
Any time a commie or socialist tells me that their ideology has nothing to do with the government forcing people to comply with their ideology, I would challenge them to support removing the government from our lives as much as possible.

Start talking about getting rid of welfare, laws that force a variety of quotas for "equality," and any other law that is redistributive in some way.

How long will it take before they tell you that "We can't do that!"

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Some commies think that they will get their worldview with some form of anarchism. Except the problem is that most people would not go along with their bullshit ideology if they were not forced to do so.

So when I call for a challenge to start having the government removed from the equation, I am openly challenging their premise that they are not about using government force. Generally, you find out that they are, but only for the things they want and against what they don't want.

To some extent, this makes sense if you lack abstract thinking. If they were able to impose every part of their ideology, they would not feel one bit restricted.

Just like a hardcore Christian would not feel all that restricted if the government became a Christian theocracy. A law that says you have to go to church every Sunday? Well, the hardcore Christian is already doing that, so he would not see a difference.

Apply this to any ideology, and you can see how shortsighted many people are.

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