
@deprecated_ii Shit like this is infuriating. Not because a of the genius woman showing up all the boys (though that is a tiresome trope), but the idea that people who are intelligent can just pull out some high level solution effortlessly in no time at all.

Pic very much related.

@houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii the "smart woman of the group" trope is a tired cliché that doesn't hold up in the slightest to what reality is like

@Curvin @deprecated_ii Even the radical egalitarian talking point of "men are at the extremes of the bell curve" shows why such a scenario will almost never happen. This comic is just like every other attempt to "get women into STEM" by showing examples of fictional women being into math and science.

But when you actually put the subject matter in front of girls in the real world, they lose interest real fast. If someone says "I hate math," it is most likely a woman saying it.

@houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii Aces -- this is *everything* in our society right now.

Capeshit world is ultimately a world for niggers -- people for whom everything is incomprehensible and magic.
@houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii >Smart people are indistinguishable from wizards to stupid people.

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