@houseoftolstoy ah good I have found you once again in time to relay once again my exciting adventures with women. I had to take a break from talking to women due to almost dying, you know gotta reset the second chance cooldown before doing damgerous encounters. So in the brief moments you have been free of me,I got interventioned, made terrible use of whatsapp, I have almost died, made another woman angry at me and found a new waifu to attempt to talk to. So how do I go about telling her heres my number we should hang out sometime despite our conflicting schedules.

@MasterSimper "Hang out?" What does this mean exactly? And what do you want out of a relationship with this woman?

I doubt you want just friendship. You need to set the terms of what you want right away. No "hanging out" that makes it seems like you are just wanting friendship if you want more. It wastes less time and gives you answers earlier.

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Damn you and your simple questions to which me answering I dont know makes me think about things. Well to the first I want to go out and do intresting things and learn more about her. The answers are kinda of the same for the latter also obviously monke brain. So what you are saying is I go talk to her say "Hey it looks like we never have enough time, here is my number lets go out some time", then I give her an old shrek valentines card with my number on it.
Also know that though im silly I appreciate you, I like the truth and though I hate it. Something something metacognition and voices in my head that I have been ignoring for years something something I am being better and confronting them.
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