
@justnormalkorean Why is this "relationship" even still continuing? Clearly they do not have a strong case for a lasting relationship, no matter who is right or wrong here. Only one side of the story, so not enough details to conclude who is correct.

But relationships should not exist without a clear long term goal in mind. It seems neither of them are in the right mindset if both are still agreeing to be in a relationship.

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@justnormalkorean For the guy, he should not date a woman with that many red flags (if they are indeed red flags). He may just he joking and she is too dense to get that. In that case, she is stupid (also a bad prospect).

For the girl, this guy does not appear to have much respect for her. Maybe she did not deserve or earn that respect, but why have a relationship then? Respect is needed for a relationship to work, (both for the other and self respect).

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