Mfw one of my co-workers just had his 4th kid and female shitlibs lost their minds. Started to chimpout about him having too many and he just said: as long as i can pay without getting a loan i can add more to the list.
They were kvectching about muh climate faggotry. he wants to have another one, So far its 3 boys and 1 girl.
@Shlomo @jazzilla
Its sad how far all the american shitlibery has infested over there. Europe is one of the most well kept regions of the planet, you all should be celebrating and having more kids.

@dassauerkraut @jazzilla @Shlomo Hearing stories like this pisses me off since there is not one European country that has an above replacement birth rate (US is in the same boat too). Would these same shitlibs object to the huge influx of immigrants coming into a country where they will contribute more to "climate change" (by their own standards)?

No, because they are just harpies that hate any straight white male making more of his kind.

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