But Edgar who just crossed the Rio Grande already has 6 natural born US citizen children and is collecting WIC and food stamps. Ain't life grand?

@MaleGoddess Increased costs of living are more of a downstream effect of a bigger issue: feminism. Women vote for more and more welfare, which increases the tax burdens and increases costs of living across the board. Women working (often in bs makework jobs) creates dual income traps where everyone is working just to pay more for the same housing. And women themselves are refusing to seek marriage in their most fertile years, leading to less possible children.


@MaleGoddess And yes, immigration is an issue too. Though it is also part of the downstream effect of feminism. Feminism brought on the low birth rates, and politicians used immigration as a "solution." Though it of course just makes things worse as it does not bring up native rates and further prices out the people already on the edge who cannot afford to have a family.

But first and foremost, feminism needs to be rolled back to have real solutions.

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Feminists love immigration too because they secretly have a rape fetish.
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