
@Terry >Witnessing more divorces than weddings

And whose fault is that? Mostly women, as they by and large initiate the divorces.

>dissolution of the social structures that make marriage stable and advantageous

Again, women are the reason. They demanded easier divorces, make their own marriages less stable with their past promiscuity and increased demands while providing less benefits to men.

Though men are the reason marriage is not happening in the end, because of women like this.

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@Terry And when I say men are the reason, they are just using their power of backing out from a bad deal, as the risk is far higher for a lesser reward. Women are making the risks worse and the rewards less.

As men, the power to say no to marriage is the one thing they have left to do. Women need to give men a better deal if they want to see marriage come back to a better place. This needs to take place both with removing bad laws and better behavior from women.

@houseoftolstoy @Terry Women don't need marriage when they can vote for the state to become their husband.

@caekislove @Terry @houseoftolstoy The Creation of the Jewish National Federal National State
removed actual Patracy , Localism and Self Goverence

All these 'rights' and 'freedoms' (removed any time with a new 'law')
are only upheld as long as the tax cattle fund it
and comply with the unreasonable demands
and its muzzled with 'risk' of violence by the state
and censorship

Without the state all this 'empowerment' falls apart
and reality rears its ugly head

As long as you have Statism
Invidual Men
and the community
no longer have the AUTHORITY that goes along with responsibility
@houseoftolstoy @Terry Who created

child support
welfare state
no fault divorce
divorce seperation
along with outright REFUSAL to hold women accountable for their own choices and actions
@charliebrownau @houseoftolstoy @Terry .

> You are worth more divorced than married

Hey, it's economics, and they're women

Women’s emancipation began in the 19th Century in America and England. Then the jews who seized power in the 20th Century deliberately made it worse.

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