While at it I like how everytime this fertility convo comes up some retarded roastie has to immediately "correct" you that "nu-uh actually I know of one lady in my hood growing up she had a baby and she was 43 so all that biological clock stuff is invalidated we can do whatever we want as long as we want and still have babies as old crones!!!!!"

It's the very thing that keeps so many girls utterly ignorant to begin with.


@WashedOutGundamPilot What they don't mention about the births after 40 is that most of those women already had a bunch of children previously. All those times they were pregnant extended their fertility window. So it is not the same when a woman who is in her late 30s is trying to have her first kid.

While women are done a disservice by not being told the truth, many of them reject such advice and/or are willfully making the choices of delaying their search for a husband.

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