@p @judgedread in an age with birth control and abortions, simply having sex is not a guarantee to have children. The problem is that less young people have long term relationships and marriages, which are necessary to have children (raised in a proper home and not with a horrible single mother).
Marriage is a bad deal for men these days. The deal needs to be better to solve the problem.
@p @judgedread Zero sex does mean zero children. But the sex to children conversion rate is not 1 to 1 for the reasons I stated previously, and we do not want to "solve" the problem with anything other than a stable environment for children to be raised (a mother and father in the home). Simply having women knocked up often means a whole lot of single mothers, which is a major drain on society in a number of ways.
"Have sex" is an incomplete solution at best. All other factors need to be there.
TBH an army of badly raised violent borderline psychopathic Aryan bastards are just what the jews need to be having nightmares about.