@judgedread Around the time the boomers reach reproductive age, the birthrate falls off a cliff. (Some facets of life cannot begin at 50.)
@judgedread The lady has a theory that the reason zoomers aren't screwing is that they are creeped out by teachers that overshare about their polycules. Apparently the highest rate of virgins over 20. (Not screwing is a great way to not have kids.)

@p @judgedread in an age with birth control and abortions, simply having sex is not a guarantee to have children. The problem is that less young people have long term relationships and marriages, which are necessary to have children (raised in a proper home and not with a horrible single mother).

Marriage is a bad deal for men these days. The deal needs to be better to solve the problem.

@houseoftolstoy @judgedread

> in an age with birth control and abortions, simply having sex is not a guarantee to have children.

What's that got to do with anything? If you have zero sex, you are likely to have zero children. Zoomers aren't even screwing. Wring your hands about birth control or disliking marriage after the penis actually gets into the vagina. None of that matters otherwise.

> Marriage is a bad deal for men these days. The deal needs to be better to solve the problem.

There was this English dude that, around the age of 50, fucked off to some middle-of-nowhere village in Africa. About ten years later, the news caught up to him, and some BBC reporter went down there and said "Hey, you fucked off to this remote village and allegedly fathered 30 children." and he says "Yeah" and the BBC journo wanted to know why. He just felt like it.

@p @judgedread Zero sex does mean zero children. But the sex to children conversion rate is not 1 to 1 for the reasons I stated previously, and we do not want to "solve" the problem with anything other than a stable environment for children to be raised (a mother and father in the home). Simply having women knocked up often means a whole lot of single mothers, which is a major drain on society in a number of ways.

"Have sex" is an incomplete solution at best. All other factors need to be there.

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@houseoftolstoy Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good.

TBH an army of badly raised violent borderline psychopathic Aryan bastards are just what the jews need to be having nightmares about.
@houseoftolstoy @judgedread

> But the sex to children conversion rate is not 1 to 1 for the reasons I stated

Well, yeah, but it's always been that way. It was all midwives and witch doctors and women chewing fertility roots and some malnourished teenage girl bleeding out after squeezing a kid onto a blanket in a dirt floor hut. A lot of places, they didn't even bother to name a kid unless it survived its first year.

> "Have sex" is an incomplete solution at best.

It is a necessary and sufficient prerequisite. Diagnosis precedes a solution, anyway. You have to know what the result is that you'd wish to change, and then you have to understand the causes, and then you have to figure out what to change to (hopefully) achieve a different outcome. "Diagnosing the problem doesn't solve it!" is kind of a facile observation.

This is the source of the mismatch: we are either going to bore or frustrate each other because you keep talking about "solutions" and I'm not trying to solve anything. I'm not even sure we're certain what the problem is or that we'll agree on which things to classify as problems. Not having any authority that would allow me to solve this problem (besides my offer of free sperm, which stands open (hey, ladies), though it is subject to availability), and having neither an aptitude nor an interest in activism, I am not trying to propose a solution. I am interested in the shape of the earth because I have to know what's going on to make any plans of my own, so I see that chart and I note that it fell off a cliff when the boomers hit their 20s, and that's interesting.

Since you are interested in a solution, this might be relevant to you: India tried to solve overpopulation, not with birth control pills or divorce laws or any of that stuff you're blaming, but with a rural electrification program. The idea was to make sure that every bedroom had a television. Draw whatever conclusion you like from that, but maybe if you want a solution, go to Home Depot and bribe the guy that runs the paint mixer to add iron filings into the paint destined for people's bedroom walls, to make it harder to get wifi/cell signals in there.

I hear they all line up at the end to face the wall. Glory to the party.

@thendrix @e3ea @ins0mniak @houseoftolstoy Well, I hope not; seems like a real waste. I mean, you see those legs.
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