I can sense a Take™ somewhere in my mental silt, but I can't quite grasp it....

I think girls see our apparent confidence, ease at being in our own skin, and get extremely jealous they can't have it too. They loudly brag about being happily confident while obese because they're trying to add social weight and scaffold their own beliefs - telling everyone about it helps them live the lie and keep up the act

Girls deliberately make themselves ugly so we don't like looking at them, and that is mistaken for confidence? The girl burns her retreat ships: She renders herself terminally manless and "strong/independent" by repelling us, so she HAS to be confident and fine being WGTOW.

Something like that

RT: https://poa.st/objects/af72d162-d0f8-4727-8e83-4af166389832


@WashedOutGundamPilot @NeoDelorean This is the type of girl that says "I go to the gym all the time" and uses the elliptical for 20 minutes thinking that accomplishes anything.

I have said this before, so sue me for being a broken record. I just cannot relate to someone who would go to the gym only to accomplish nothing. And I am never impressed by someone saying they do something when they have nothing to show for it.

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