Just watched The Boys season premiere, they have a black woman character who is the "smartest person in the world", a female Alex Jones parody ranting about grooming and LGBT, and they made one of the main characters gay when there had been no signs of it in the previous seasons. Hollywood is so back!

The goy were having too much fun with Homelander so they had to fag it all up (even more than it already was somehow).
@chainsaw_appreciator @PraxisOfEvil It was already pozzed from the beginning thanks to the comic. Kripke is just adding some politically charged stuff because he noticed how "fascist" superheroes are.

@caekislove @D-Droid @berkberkman @chainsaw_appreciator Garth Ennis wrote The Boys because he despised superheroes and wanted to portray them as a bunch of sociopathic degenerates instead of beacons of hope like in trad comics. But now degeneracy is a core value of Hollywood progs so we get more homosex and it ruins the whole point of the comic.

@PraxisOfEvil @caekislove @D-Droid @berkberkman @chainsaw_appreciator I enjoyed the comics back when I read them in 2013 or so. despised the show for being BIG CRINGE with all the Drumpf stuff they included

@MechaSilvio @caekislove @D-Droid @berkberkman @chainsaw_appreciator When the Nazi woman is going on about white genocide I burst out laughing, typically soylennial writing


@PraxisOfEvil @berkberkman @caekislove @chainsaw_appreciator @D-Droid @MechaSilvio and that said Nazi woman being played by an obviously Jewish actress was something else too.

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