For those who are "vote blue no matter who," I have to wonder what they think of the Democrat party these days. Surely they cannot be happy that they kept Joe Biden on the ticket in spite of the fact that they had 4 years to get an alternative.

It shows that the party is incompetent or is underhanded. That is, the latter can only be true if their plan was to demonstrate that they need a Biden replacement pronto.

Though I know many Dem voters hold their nose to vote just like many GOP voters.


I am giving many of the Democrat voters the benefit of the doubt that like many Republican voters they are simply voting for the least worst option. But this recent turn of events should make it obvious that the Democrat party should not be trusted.

I know I cannot trust the Republican party, but I vote for them more often as the less worse option. I am usually content if they just stay out of my way. That happens in most cases, so I am not disappointed most often.

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