The boomer meme that women are complicated is retarded. Boomer men thought they didn't understand women but the reality is that boomers didn't and still don't understand anything in general. Women are shallow and really only care about perception. This is their primary concern. There is nothing else really in there, it's all a reflection of what they think will make them look the best according to societal norms at that moment. That's why so many of them are spiritually negroid buttsex worshipping libtards.

Women are conformist in the extreme and care only about pleasing their perception of their in-group. In a globalized world that means whatever serves the interest of the homogenizing Globohomo culture. Feminism came about as a result of women's much stronger predisposition to forming an ingroup and enforcing societal norms. Because of the friend-enemy distinction this means that women view all men as the enemy and are happy to support any government measures that make things worse than men.

Women don't, can't, and are unwilling to understand men because men because to women men are just another tool to acquire status among the other roasties.

@deesenaughts The concern about perception also dictates how women discuss topics. Women are so focused on tone policing that they will prefer objectively worse ideas, proposals, and outcomes just because the better idea was not wrapped in a nicer wording. It is really no mystery that women vote left more than men considering how many leftist ideas sound nice and caring no matter how terrible the actual consequences are.


@deesenaughts And it is no wonder that the fat acceptance movement is dominated by women since women would prefer to spare the feelings of obese women rather than tell them that they are unhealthy and need to change their habits before they die an early death.

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@houseoftolstoy movements like that can only ever be dominated by women because men would never be able to get away with stuff like that. For another example, fangs are a very small part of the population but women see the corporations and governments declaring it fashionable so they become its biggest supporter. Pretty much the only people pushing back are men, and that is because men are not as conformist as women are. Men are basically a moderating force to women's mindless following. It's men's lot to save women from themselves. Kind of like that retarded man or bear debate.
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