Halo show got cancelled, producers admit they didn't play the games, Paramount takes big losses, all because they're scared to actually listen to White male gamers

"Boo hoo White men called me a bitch in multiplayer lobbies!"

Grow up


@PraxisOfEvil if you are going to take a game that has name recognition and use said recognition to create a show, why discard all aspects of the source material in favor of some mythical "broader audience" who probably does not care about Halo?

Yes I know they are leftist faggots, but politics aside you should not select a niche source material if you are not going to be faithful to the established canon. You should instead make something original.

Oh wait, they are uncreative hacks.

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@houseoftolstoy I agree but also I think there's a dynamic at play where the people creating these shows feel empowered to transform the source material because it upsets the original male fans, it's not creativity it's just spite by small souled bugmen.

@PraxisOfEvil Good point. Though I don't have confidence in someone being a truly creative mind if they can only destroy what others like rather than make something of their own. I suspect the spite is driven by a lack of capability to accomplish what others have done.

@houseoftolstoy Well I see these new games and I think to myself What new thing are you bringing to the IP? Are we getting new mechanics? New storylines? New characters? And if the only answer is new politics, then I know I'm wasting my time.

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