
I have seen a lot of moronic terms pop up these days:

"I can feel his energy"

Terms like these are the result of women being inept at navigating the dating marketplace. The first two terms are just women not being able to think past their own feelings. They just go with what feels good in the moment.

And "situationships" are just women being willing to be strung along by a guy they find attractive while he does not give them commitment.

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Modern women have chosen to be second-grade cum dumpsters.
I can't wait for our glorious robot waifus future.

@houseoftolstoy I can “feel people’s energy“ - it’s just being empathic and trusting one’s intuition. Kind of a dumb new-agey way to say it but the idea is reasonable.
“Vibe” doesn’t bother me a bit, but “vibing” is, admittedly, a little cheesy.
“Situationship” is cringey.

@houseoftolstoy The current era is the strongest argument for the ancient practice of fathers choosing husbands for their daughters.

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