
@Goalkeeper these faggots know they only are able to make the show bases on name recognition for the IP. So what is the point of using that same name if you are just going to "do your own thing" instead of being faithful to the source material?

The reason I see is these people think of themselves as creative, but failed in being able to make their own original thing. So they settle on wearing the corpse of another story so they can do what they wanted while not caring about the fan base.

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@houseoftolstoy @Goalkeeper Part of the problem too is that Yakuza games are always two games in one: one game following an often depressing story arc, and another game full of fun bullsh!t like trying to drink all the different vending machine drinks while taking pictures of scantily clad models. Neither of those games would translate well to screen (the "fun" would be better but would take more talent to write).
@houseoftolstoy @Goalkeeper It's worse than even fanfiction, since these aren't fans, they're either not aware of the source material, or actively hate it..
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