You know every “poll” is fake as shit, right?
There is no way in hell the country is this evenly divided and also no way in hell kamaltoe has 49% of the country (okay maybe only in hell) rooting for her.

@Bad_Banner @DeezMistaReez As much as I find this betting odds page insightful, it is flawed in its current state since there are still people making bets as if the election results are going to be authentic and heterosexual.

I trust the people putting their money where their mouth is over pollsters and legacy media, but they are not necessarily aware of the current fake and gay conditions that are US elections.

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@houseoftolstoy @DeezMistaReez If the whole purposes is to make money off it, who gives a shit. No one expects these people to do anything for people's lives; the government hasn't done anything since the 70s when immigration became a forefront issue. And as far as I'm concerned as well, all elections are fake.

No one's here to save you; so might as well try to make some money.
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