Actual cause is the Great 'Recession' and hidden inflation destroying the incomes of 95% of workers. Obama, Trump and Biden were the occupants of the powerless (relative to the kike money masters) executive at the time.

@judgedread I get bitched out at from people saying, "kids don't cost that much to raise." My response is, "Bitch please! I can barely afford my own expenses and I can't cut anything any more. So tell me. If I can barely afford my expenses, how the fuck am I going to afford a wife and kids? Please explain."

And that's when they STFU.

That's Rebecca of Blonde and Belly of the Beast common claim about kids being cheap to raise. She makes that statement all the time. But what she doesn't mention is that she owns 9 properties. I'm curious how many people own TWO properties let alone 9 properties?

@TheDamageDealingMeatShield @judgedread Yes, kids cost money and it is not cheap to raise them. But that is not the defining factor for low birth rates. Feminism is the actual issue, as women entering the workforce means women are choosing to delay having children or choosing altogether not to. Along with that, women "working" and getting paid just raises prices across the board, making things (including having children) more expensive.

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