Hot take: this mindset of having to put your woman in a hijab to keep her modest is some rape ape dune coon shit for brownoids who cant control themselves because they're lesser creatures.

And while I think measured modesty is without question a virtue for women, totally obscuring the beauty of the human form because your coethnics are incapable of not raping is some smoothbrained shit.

@dickflatteningenthusiast Whatever your thoughts are about their system, I will say it least it works. That is, it was a societal adaptation to the conditions of the people in the region. Obviously it is bad that the people in those countries are like that, but they have the proper measures taken to account for that.

Meanwhile many western countries have their own social restrictions eroded, making things overall worse. We have forgotten why we have many of the rules we have in the first place.

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@dickflatteningenthusiast Immigrants bringing their dirty laundry of morals is not helping, but it is also facilitated by the fact that white countries are too tolerant for their own good. Being too permissive has not helped us one bit.

And meanwhile the consequences of this permissiveness is that certain overcorrections are made that just punish any man who makes a woman slightly uncomfortable, while actual severe cases with immigrant men are under handled.

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