Seems like the abortion thing is the only thing democrats are running on, on a local-ish level. Pretty telling.
To be fair that is pretty animating for their base
@doctorsex I don't know if it is, actually. Like one of the ads I saw had an old woman. Like bitch, you're not getting pregnant. It really gives me the feeling that the abortion as animating principle is a 60s feminism "woman power" thing.

But now young women are fucking sick of the grind, and screaming "where are the men ( who will give me a baby) at?"
I dunno man. It seems like a pretty big deal for them still. And maybe you have some people who want to finally settle down and have children, but
1.) Are there enough of them for that to matter
2.) There is no reason to believe just because they personally might want a family now, they still don't support "women's rights" on principle.
@doctorsex I guarantee you that I could go to any place where women were claiming to care about this and tell them that they don't need to worry about abortion because no-one would bother raping them, and they would lose their minds.
@TrevorGoodchild @doctorsex For sure - but I don't think even the ones that are seriously committed to this are afraid of getting raped.

The biggest fear is that they will get pregnant by their boyfriend and they can't go make excel spreadsheets for 20 years while hating their life.
Their biggest fear is they will only want to fuck men that will make good fathers if they can’t get an abortion.

@AmonMaritza @doctorsex @sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild It will be less of a "want" and more of a necessity by consequences because it will make women more likely to consider if they really want to be having sex with a guy if they think that he is going to be a bad candidate for a father.

Many women still will make bad choices, but there will be a better chance that women will act better when the consequences are more severe.

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That is a more accurate way of putting it.
@houseoftolstoy @AmonMaritza @doctorsex @sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild Thus the basis for my platform of total abortion ban is further solidified (with absolutely no exceptions)
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