I hope these people live to see a collapse of law and order.
@Hoss >just outright gaslights about muh '80/hour weeks'
No sane, normal human being who has accomplished anything of value has worked consistent continuous 80+ hour weeks. No one, not one. This is insane to believe. That's slave mentality and slave labor hours that high skilled labor cannot be maintained through without narcotics level stimulants.

When I worked in a warehouse people doped hard just to get through 60+ hour work weeks and they were half insane and did 'dumb' labor.

These fucking faggots who haven't actually worked a day in their goddamn lives telling others what work is, how much work you 'need' to do, and what 'America' is need to be flayed alive and fed to pigs.

America is not defined by their corporate bottom line or drooling, ass kissing, sub 80 IQ, brownoids who will work for peanuts, for inhuman lengths of time because they haven't a critical thought in their head besides base instinct.

I'm so fucking sick of reading this motte-and-bailey garbage and I'm not going to argue or negotiate with these scumbags anymore. It's clear that they're my enemy and I pray for the day someone starts putting bullets where they need to be.

@Eiswald @Hoss I see any "need" for an 80 hour work week as exceptions, not rules. The man who is running his own local business where he needs to be available for customers 7 days a week might make sense, since his workload will vary and he may need to be ready to handle all the job functions and being "on call." And he can ease off once he can delegate some work to trusted employees.

But for the typical employee of a business? No, 80 hours is not at all necessary.

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