I remember the advice "Just go outside" when I was trying to meet women. Honestly though, it's not that simple. If you go outside, you'll just be alone and outside.

And a lot of really good guys and good gals were busy doing the stuff they were supposed to do, so they never had a chance to learn how to do anything other than sit at home on twitch or sit outside in a lawn chair like a psycho wondering why the Internet lied to them and told them that if they go outside somehow they'll magically meet people.

It's really hard meeting people. It's possible, but it's not as straightforward as "go outside".

Thankfully I've been married for 15 years, so I don't need to meet women, but I remember it was really tough after I got out of college and got my first job, because I had to get out of my comfort zone.

I went outside every Friday, 2-3 times on Saturday, 2-3 times on Sunday, and once on Mondays because I go out with my son to the park every chance I get while the weather is good, and it's like a ghost world out there. We barely interacted with anyone all summer because we usually had the parks to ourselves.

The second last chapter of my book to my son, The Graysonian Ethic, is about how to meet women. Honestly, I doubt the little Casanova will need the help, He's growing up to be a really cool kid, but if you have no idea what you're doing at all then some strategies going into things are a good thing to have.

This one lady on youtube said "Guyyyyyys, just be huuuuman" and it pissed me off so much it's stuck with me. She was a blonde haired, blue eyed, gorgeous woman with a posh English accent. I don't use the phrase often unironically, but it's like "Check your privilege, lady". The romantic and overall social experience of any man who isn't actually a natural 10 is going to be so different than hers that giving advice is a bit like someone born a multi-billionaire trying to give tips on how to save money to someone who was born poor. "Well just take the money daddy gives you for a Porsche and invest in a business!"

You know, men trying to take dating advice from women is probably a big part of what creates incels. They go around "just being huuuuuuman", or "being nice" or "being yourself", and after following the advice as hard as they can they find themselves alone and start to figure they are incapable of ever meeting someone who likes them and get bitter and jaded with the world. In a different vein, the same happens to people who take rich people's advice about money and wonder why they aren't multi-millionaires because they stopped eating avocado toast every morning at Starbuck's. It's also like the boomers who don't realize that new graduate put out 100 resumes yesterday giving advice like "Just confidently shake the boss's hand and he'll hire you on the spot" -- no, that's not how things work anymore grandpa. Of course people get bitter when they hear this horrible advice and then try it and it doesn't work at all.

@sj_zero one problem with the current dating market is that there is far too much uncertainty when it comes to who wants to be approached in what places. Men do not know where a given woman will consider "good" places to be approached. Some women like the idea of a guy approaching her at a book store, while others will say it is completely inappropriate.

And many women will not admit that it only matters who approaches them, not where, leading to more confused men.

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