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Saw this on some leftist's account on the Federated timeline, but since I do not feel like arguing with a lefty at this time, I will not include the account info.

What I will say is that the only case that steady profit is considered a "failure" is by dipshits in the stock market that are pushing for endless growth. Most people would be happy running a business with a steady profit, and they would not be considered a failure by anyone other than the dipshit stock marketer types.

Getting close to Christmas, so I am putting this out there again.

Watching this video of out curiosity and to confirm if this guy matches the expectation of the Smuggie here. Pretty much.

But I had the moment of "are you freaking kidding me" was that he stated at around the 30:20 minute mark when he said "she was the only one in the argument actually offering statistics rather than emotion."

The "statistics?" That 1/3 women in the US get raped.

Offering statistics means nothing when your statistics are bullshit.

I have to wonder if these people like this buy waste basket bags for their smaller garbage bins. Because if you are on the "I can't use a plastic bag" because of "muh environment" but still buy plastic bags anyway, then you are not even doing your part by your standard.

Besides, grocery store plastic bags tend to have handles on them, which makes it real easy to tie your garbage when the bin is full.

But no, we have to virtue signal that we are "doing my part."

I vooted too. Yes my individual vote does not matter in the grand scheme of things such as the federal government, but it does matter for more local races and measures. The more local the issue, the more important the vote.

But no one should have voting as their only hope and plan in life. If you are looking for election results to save you, you are already doomed.

Looks like we are getting war with Iran. Or maybe someone who has their sanity left will pull the plug on that operation.

Chance of leftist butthurt: very, very high.

Apparently betting markets think Trump is going to win. No polls or odds are going to mean anything if those pulling the strings want to get the "correct" result.

They will just make up whatever lies they need to in order to provide enough of a smokescreen to keep the normies from suspecting anything. But who knows? Maybe they want war with Iran or they know that the system is held together by duct tape and see this as the perfect opportunity to let things fall apart.

We will see soon.

Example of having opposition to the same thing in spite of having completely different outlooks. Cenk opposes neocons because he sees them as the embodiment of conservatives. I oppose neocons because they where conservative values like a skinsuit to pretend that they care about what the American right wants.

I may agree that we should not have infinite foreign wars, but when the question of what do we do once we stop that comes up, then we have nothing uniting us.

The first requirement cuts off most men off the bat. And the rest of the list cuts herself off because men who fit these standards are not going to want a woman this delusional.

I don't need 21 minutes of talk to solve this issue. I can do it with one sentence:

Stop being a faggot and start lifting you pussy.

The only people who fear "gymtimidation" are those that should be gatekept from going to the gym in the first place. But considering the low testosterone audience, I suppose this segment will appeal to them.

If you see someone who is a swole beast that lifts heavy, you should be inspired, not "gymtimidated."

Can't take credit for finding this. Though I did check to see that it was a recent post, and it was (2 days ago).

Is this just a shill post attempting to get others to go over and fight for Ukraine, or a genuine idiot who would actually throw his life away because he is stupid enough to believe the globohomo media that he would be "fighting for democracy?"

Could go either way, but it reflects a sad mindset either way.

I already know the debate went badly for Biden without having to watch it, because the betting market for him winning just dropped a whole lot.

Not that the betting market matters if they plan on stealing the election, but I have to wonder if they will be bold enough to try it now.

Looks like someone made a call to Nikki. Yet another stop pulled to get Trump back in office so that can try to get more young white men to die for Israel.

You know things are bad when state media is admitting that inflation is still bad rather than trying to continue the propaganda effort claiming that our government is beating inflation.

They even admit here that it the everyday expenses such as electricity, rent, and gas prices are higher up. Which is probably why they are in damage control mode rather than "everything is fine, quit believing your lying eyes"' mode.

Did some hate watching of this video. Lots of leftist bullshit involved, but this part was peak irony. So the man who thinks himself a woman is discussing the topic of phantasms, something your mind does when dealing with contradictions by producing outlandish explanations.

Yes, the tranny is telling you that the "conspiracy theorists" are crazy while "she" is completely sane while larping as a woman. And he tries to throw it back by attacking those who do not accept tranny bullshit ideology.

I am posting this again. Because I love traditions. Even if they are the ones I made up myself.

I get a very strong feeling that all the talk about banning TikTok has nothing to do with national security in the slightest. Or perhaps you could say it is "national security" in the sense that they want to keep their power secure by making sure they can remove any platforms getting too big outside of the mainstream ones they already control.

I give very few shits about "misinformation" or censorship concerns when our own government is doing all of that already to a worse extent.

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