@Aether I recall one woman in high school who said "you can't get HIV from sex!" I cannot blame this on a lack of sex education, as I was in the same school and their was plenty of coverage on that topic.
I blame the extensive coverage of "You can't get HIV from hugging someone" and every other way that they covered. Which conditions people not to think about the ways HIV is actually transmitted.
@deprecated_ii South Korea has some of the worst feminism in the world, which is also a huge factor tanking birth rates. All the harpies in the US who were claiming to go all "4B" got that idea from feminists in South Korea. When you have their level of extreme male hatred, there is going to be a major slump in all the requirements to have a good birth rate.
@sj_zero one problem with the current dating market is that there is far too much uncertainty when it comes to who wants to be approached in what places. Men do not know where a given woman will consider "good" places to be approached. Some women like the idea of a guy approaching her at a book store, while others will say it is completely inappropriate.
And many women will not admit that it only matters who approaches them, not where, leading to more confused men.
@Mr_Mister it is funny how they think they can decide who can and cannot be in business when they themselves are most often the very people who have never tried to run their own business. They just know better than people who have actually started actual businesses, apparently.
@Aether If she was 2 decades younger, she would be able to pick the kind of guy she would want to date. So her being 43 is a critical part of her issue, as she now cannot find the type of boyfriend she wants.
This is why women need to be told to not waste their 20s on anything that is not conducive to getting the relationship they want for the rest of their lives. Because even if she lowers her standards, she will be resentful and unhappy.
@DailyStormerDigest @Hoss @ArdainianRight @transgrammaractivist This post stands out to me, what's the point of maintaining global hegemony if everyones miserable? And yeah being right is great but not having the power to change things makes it ultimately useless, it's just being the smartest man on the cinder to paraphrase Watchmen
@RegalBeagle I theorize that much of the suburban expansion was motivated by Cold War fears of nuclear war, with spread out cities being done in effort to reduce death per location bombed.
Regardless of whether that theory has merit, you are correct that we are not going to be able to change city designs to be less car centric with our low trust society. Many shills for "walkable cities" simply ignore the critical component of high trust (and most often homogeneous) population first.
This is not to say that no one is legitimately struggling and are indeed doing all they can while but still coming up short. Regardless of the external economic conditions out of your control such as the job market and inflation, you can still affect your personal financial status by evaluating your spending and making changes in your spending. When economic conditions are bad, this becomes more necessary.
I have mentioned before that I want to be a fly on the wall when I see or hear anyone mention how they cannot afford to live because I often suspect that they have spending they could reduce on things they do not need. I found what I was looking for with Caleb Hammer in his Financial Audit videos. Far too many people spending money on eating out, 7 dollar coffee, trips and vacations they could do without, and other frivolous crap.
@deprecated_ii People will play retro games and games with lower capabiilities for graphics because when it comes down to what makes a game fun, it is the gameplay that stands out. Visual splendor is secondary at best, and is often at odds with the gameplay due to the graphical demands of the game negatively affecting the gameplay.
@Eiswald @Hoss I see any "need" for an 80 hour work week as exceptions, not rules. The man who is running his own local business where he needs to be available for customers 7 days a week might make sense, since his workload will vary and he may need to be ready to handle all the job functions and being "on call." And he can ease off once he can delegate some work to trusted employees.
But for the typical employee of a business? No, 80 hours is not at all necessary.
It does not take that much familarity with the Bible to disprove this crap. Anyone who calls themselves Christian but gets fundamental things like this wrong just shows they are anything but that.
Though I have realized that I am far better equipped to go against this sort of nonsense ever since I have made a stronger commitment to read the Bible.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.