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I already know the debate went badly for Biden without having to watch it, because the betting market for him winning just dropped a whole lot.

Not that the betting market matters if they plan on stealing the election, but I have to wonder if they will be bold enough to try it now.

Not planning on watching the debate. Maybe will see highlight clips, but no sense in watching all of it. I already know how I will vote.

If you are someone who needs to watch a debate to help you determine who you will vote for, it tells me you should not be voting because you are an emotionally driven, low information voter. We need less of that kind of voter, thank you very much.

@synapsid @EdBoatConnoisseur @LordMordred @MeBigbrain @monsterislandcolonizer @veff @WashedOutGundamPilot @mischievoustomato I was in your shoes too. In order to get past this, you have to undergo the process of gaining experience. It sucks, but it can be done even later in life. Just don't say anything about being inexperienced (sucks, but it is true).

That is, if you still want to try and find a worthwhile woman in spite of the current horrible societal conditions.

No, and as you get older the margin for error gets smaller and smaller, both because you're older and women expect you to "just get it" , and because your dating pool is smaller and and smaller, each subsequent failure has a larger impact. If you're good looking, charismatic, and/or rich, you can get away with more mistakes. Or if you can date someone way below your level, you also get some leeway.

I personally know people who brought up the idea of getting the next booster shots because "we just don't know how bad this variant will be." What this showed me was that this is not an issue of "seeing the same thing and interpreting it differently." Rather, we are looking at entirely different sources of information and these people have never had real exposure to anything contrary to the legacy media narrative.

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Just because you have seen some Twitter screencaps and random news articles about how "they are admitting that Covid was all a hoax" does not mean that the general public is now aware of this fact. The people you knew before that were hysterical about Covid still think it was a "deadly pandemic" and have no clue that a lot of the "Covid deaths" were padded out numbers by marking everyone with a positive test as a "Covid death" regardless if it even had anything to do with their death.

>not good for your family

what family?

>not good for this country

not my country, not my problem

modern people and younger people especially have no sense at all of how the world they live in was carved out of the wilderness, that the landscape wasn't just like this when the settlers showed up
same vibe as "look how many POC we can jam in this lovely picture of nature", as related to the "look at this moldy house you can spend 150k on"

@sickburnbro Funny how we never hear a peep out of environmentalists when the "we have plenty of space to bring in millions of immigrants" crowd starts advocating for the very thing that environmentalists otherwise complain about. Or is only when it serves the interests of globohomo that they start caring about the environment again?

Don't tell me they are not aware of such discussions. They just are attack dogs for globohomo. And this is why I don't take "climate change" seriously.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @deprecated_ii I do not give Boomers the benefit of the doubt that they could not possibly understand how circumstances change for generations. They themselves saw a number of changes growing up over the years, so it should not be a shock that other variables change as well.

I see it as more willful ignorance than unintentional. You cannot be this blind without refusing to use your eyes and ears to observe the world around you and the changing circumstances.

@dictatordave @LukeAlmighty @Dan_Hulson the most important aspects of a woman's attractiveness are her having a healthy BMI, having any feminine hairstyle (specific style is unimportant) and her natural facial structure. The last one cannot be helped, but the other two certainly can.

Seeing a fat woman spend an hour on her makeup and hair is silly when that hour could be better spent exercising.

@Humpleupagus @cjd Better looking women also have a better chance of attracting men who earn more. And if she has a couple of brain cells to rub together, she will realize that having higher taxes on his earnings will mean less money available for her (assuming the least charitable outlook on a woman marrying such a man).

And bonus points if she is influenced by his (most likely) right wing politics.

@hindudindu Was her promotion due to her actual merits, or is her company filling a quota? If the latter, her ego boost is undeserved in that manner.

Also, I see no mention about her husband doing anything wrong, just her being a complete bitch that cares nothing about her vows (e.g. "for richer or poorer").

@DW2 this makes me appreciate all the more that I am off the market. But unfortunately many men in my situation are blind to the rest of the landscape who just assume that just because they got married fine means that no other men could possibly have any problems in the dating market.

I know that I had a lot of failures before I found success. I could easily be in the same situation as many other men struggling if not for finding a diamond in the rough.

@deprecated_ii perhaps getting rid of welfare spending across the board us a pipe dream, but I know this for sure: if there was no welfare whatsoever, most of the immigration issues would be solved because the people here just for the free money would self deport. Many immigrants went back to their own countries if the could not make it here when we did not have welfare spending.

@deprecated_ii Libertarians often also insist that this will not be an issue because "we will just get rid of welfare spending too" without realizing that you cannot just have open borders before getting rid of the welfare state and that the people coming here are never going to vote to get rid of it either.

I take no "libertarian" seriously if their first step is not get rid of the welfare spending.

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