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xwitter dorks keep trying to make this hurricane response a partisan issue but let's be real, FEMA and the US military are not going to stop being absolute pieces of shit under trump

I like many others experienced an outage in cell phone coverage. But I had to remember that it was in reality just a minor convenience to my own life rather than something truly catestrophic. I could be someone living in the Southeast right now that lost their house and family members.

So I have little reason to complain.

At this point I will look at the election results in November not as an indication of who won a "free and fair" election, but rather as an indication of what the string pullers want to do next.

Kamala Harris wins: stay the course and double down on going full globohomo

Donald Trump wins: pivot to full blown war with Iran, put globohomo plans on a brief pause

Either way, I am not optimistic for a good future until the US collapses in some form.

you know the whole word reading concept, where people are supposed to recognize words without phonetics? it's a shitty way to teach people to read

well what I observe on the internet is a lot of people operate on a "whole conversation" model where they don't participate in the conversation that's *actually happening* but just use a best-fit model based on past conversations they've had

so when a subject comes up that they've talked to people a lot about, they start responding to things the people they're talking to *now* are not actually saying
I think USA is stuck mentally in 90s, it was a pinnacle decade of their existence, after Nixon shock they could just print wealth, after USSR dissolution there was no opponent to their imperialism. China was not interested to step in USSR shoes, and so unopposed America got stuck. Every nation wishes to remain where they were at their top while they like to see their opponent at their lowest point, which for America was 90s. Unfortunately the only constant in the world is change.
Retards as every American, producers of the narrative and its consumers alike, are cognitively stuck in the past. Some are still calling Russians "The Commies", which decade is that? Not even the 90s.

The first requirement cuts off most men off the bat. And the rest of the list cuts herself off because men who fit these standards are not going to want a woman this delusional.

I would say this has to be a deep troll, but it’s a wahmen so it’s definitely 100% sincere.

Also lmaooooooo

Whenever I hear about how horrible Russia and China are due to their governments arresting political dissidents for their speech, I just realize how ignorant many Americans are. Sure, the US government will not directly arrest you for your speech, but they will engage in every form of lawfare possible and coerce "private companies" into acting on their behalf, and in the end arrest you for something else they think they can charge you with.

That totally makes us a free country, right?

"The corporations are the ones controlling the government" is not only cringe and wrong, but it is also quite convenient when you think about the lifespan of corporations. Many, many corporations have risen and fallen in the same span of time the US government has existed. Given these lifespans, which option is easier to overthrow? A government, or a corporation (or corporations if you want to lump them all together)?

I really start loving community notes.
It’s beautiful.

People have such a short time memory these days, it’s concerning.


Normies be like:
Autistic people need a system for everything, or they will go insane.

The same normies 10 min later:
What do you mean you don't eat 3 times a day?
Are you insane eating THAT for a breakfast?
Isn't it too late to drink coffee?

OK. On topic of anti-intellectualism.

I have noticed lately, that there is a consensus on both sides of the political divide, that there seem to be a HUGE problem with people refusing to reason. Anti-intellectualism seems to be the name of this trend.

Well, the problem isn't exactly with the people refusing to learn, as much as with people adopting completely different view on what tools of learning seems to be valid.

People on the left do believe in institutional construct of academic science. They LOVE posting names of old dudes who agreed with their current belief, as well as pointing to a definition, that was changed 1 week ago. When we raise to them the fact, that all of these institutions are bending the knee in fear of their wrath, I am not exactly surprised, that they see that as dishonest unprovable hypothesis. (So, no matter what scientific paper I bring, you will just say, that people making it were afraid to disagree with the mob? Ain't that convinient)

On the other hand, the right does LOVE to use the common logical shortcuts. Rules like "No medication can be called 100% safe and effective by definition" are not written in any science jurnal, but their application does lead to an ability to form a solid world view long before information can go through a peer review, and are also completely free of any need for an authority to confirm them. Yet, when we come to a leftie with a 6 step logical chain, they look at us as loonies, since not a single one of these steps is formalized in an academic style. (Do you have a paper, saying that castrating kids will lead to a worse luck in finding a life partner????)

So, that means, that maybe, the time for constructive debate might be completely over. We no longer live in the same world, and no way of communication can bridge these two worlds.

Calling it now that Tenet Media being "funded by Russian money" is total bullshit. This just so happens to take place 2 months before the election, and our government is known to make up shit and then say "Whoops, our bad!" the moment they get what they want.

It is the same fake and gay playbook our government did with "muh Russia," so why should I trust the same assholes in power this time?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.