@kaiservenom I couldn't get past 2 mins when this jiggaboo Ray Ray and Pookie sounding cocksucker was talkin' shit about MGTOW. He clearly hasn't done fuck all research let alone have formed a basic understanding of the nuances of MGTOW.
Its NOT a movement - its a Way of Life underpinning the Philosophy of personal freedom and the rejection of becoming expendable in a gynocentric society that does not value men, PERIOD.
@kaiservenom the simping is strong with this one. The problem of MGTOW is that it makes you successful? This is the strangest argument against the philosophy I've ever heard. Waifus solve this problem very quick.
@kaiservenom I couldn't get past 2 mins when this jiggaboo Ray Ray and Pookie sounding cocksucker was talkin' shit about MGTOW. He clearly hasn't done fuck all research let alone have formed a basic understanding of the nuances of MGTOW.
Its NOT a movement - its a Way of Life underpinning the Philosophy of personal freedom and the rejection of becoming expendable in a gynocentric society that does not value men, PERIOD.