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I don't feel bad for the poor.

I grew among them, and I saw first hand why they became and stayed poor. It's all their fault.

They're lazy, stupid, and entitled. They love welfare but hate when you remind them why they're on it.

They're people who, if you try to teach them how to fish, they'll tell you "just give me the fish."

Hearing Celestina say "Goyslop" in today's Morning Constitutional was the funniest thing so far.

Once I knew about the Political Trichotomy and internalized it, I can't unseen it.

I was in a Discord server, and there was this libertarian guy debating a socialist about owning yourself.

For the libertarian, it was okay if someone sold himself because it was voluntary and under freedom. But the socialist didn't like it, called it slavery and opposed it.

The libertarian couldn't fathom why. "But it's voluntary." The answer is values. Liberty versus Equality.

Political Values.

The Absolutist (Stability) argument against freedom:

People are dumb. If given freedom, that is, plenty of options, they'll destroy themselves and their communities. Stability is at risk.

The solution:

Eliminate the options, that is, limit freedom. Have a wise king tell people what to do.

YouTube | Is Freedom Actually GOOD For Us? - [Political Philosophy]

Daily Mail: Georgia divorce lawyer is shot dead 'by estranged husband of female client after he won her $170,000 settlement' before his office is torched with his remains inside

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.