There is no pro-White movement or organization of any significance because of what happened to Vdare, not because everyone is pouring energy into Trump.
@mage Destroyed by NY state lawfare because 25 years ago some kike advised Brimelow to incorporate there.

@judgedread I see. I had the impression they were fairly waspy and not really interested in ellis island people

@mage They slowly evolved into a barely crypto White nationalist site. Once that became a real political threat they were destroyed.

@judgedread Having lived in majority white liberal land most of my life, I'm not really convinced 'white nationalism' is the existential threat the regime believes it is. They're breathing it into existence by cracking down on it so unnecessarily.

@judgedread Germany had a lot more ethnic in group history than America does. Centuries more. They are simply being paranoid and acting on irrational vendettas.

@mage Yes, and?

The irrational outbursts of the jews ARE American politics.

@judgedread For now. But they won't be forever at this rate thankfully. They're already losing significant ground with boomers aging out of the active pool.

@mage My general point is that the rage outbursts of jews are predictable as are their amoral limitless tactics. Vdare should have known to dissolve the NY corporation ages ago. They probably only came to understand the jewish problem very recently.

@judgedread I question how well these people know their history worrying constantly about a 4th reich, since the 2nd reich is what enabled the renaissance in the first place.


@judgedread Or maybe I have that mixed up. Was ww1 the 2nd reich? Maybe I meant the 1st one. Otto the great, not von bismark.

@mage @judgedread The first reich was the holy roman empire, lasted just over a millennium from charlemagne to napoleon dissolving it. The second was the bismarckian unification and only lasted 50 years or so.
@mage @judgedread If you count from the prussian led wars against napoleon for independence then the 2nd lasted a century.
The 3rd was just over a decade.
That kind of half life isn't encouraging
@Kang_Kong3 @mage @judgedread The shabbos Guinea epidemic must end, it has dragged on for far too long. Emperor Titus is rolling over in his grave.
@WhitestTemplar @Kang_Kong3 @mage @judgedread Valid question, considering the fact that Jackson's administration was the only time in American history...ever, where we had no National debt. It is why the Jews still intensely dislike King Andrew.
@WhitestTemplar @Kang_Kong3 @mage @judgedread According to historians he taught his parrot Pol to use racial slurs too, meaning that the last word anyone heard in Andrew Jackson's voice very well might have been the Nigger word. :60fpsparrot:
@MelGibsonafter4Beers @WhitestTemplar @Kang_Kong3 @mage @judgedread It's historical fact at this point that Jackson's parrot screamed nigger and popular slurs for natives.
@MelGibsonafter4Beers @mage @judgedread Did anybody ever redub some of the old swords and sandals flicks to have all the Romans speaking like goombahs from Jersey? That could be a giggle
@Kang_Kong3 @mage @judgedread Do I smell a point in favor of monarchist bros or is it the anti-technology gang who takes the W here?
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