There is no pro-White movement or organization of any significance because of what happened to Vdare, not because everyone is pouring energy into Trump.
@mage Destroyed by NY state lawfare because 25 years ago some kike advised Brimelow to incorporate there.

@judgedread I see. I had the impression they were fairly waspy and not really interested in ellis island people

@mage They slowly evolved into a barely crypto White nationalist site. Once that became a real political threat they were destroyed.

@judgedread Having lived in majority white liberal land most of my life, I'm not really convinced 'white nationalism' is the existential threat the regime believes it is. They're breathing it into existence by cracking down on it so unnecessarily.

@judgedread Germany had a lot more ethnic in group history than America does. Centuries more. They are simply being paranoid and acting on irrational vendettas.

@mage Yes, and?

The irrational outbursts of the jews ARE American politics.

@judgedread For now. But they won't be forever at this rate thankfully. They're already losing significant ground with boomers aging out of the active pool.

@mage My general point is that the rage outbursts of jews are predictable as are their amoral limitless tactics. Vdare should have known to dissolve the NY corporation ages ago. They probably only came to understand the jewish problem very recently.

@judgedread I question how well these people know their history worrying constantly about a 4th reich, since the 2nd reich is what enabled the renaissance in the first place.

@mage History doesn't repeat but it rhymes.

The US movement that defeats the jews will be a mutation of MAGA, if it happens at all.

Remember, 90% of Americans carry a jew or faggot spy machine that can send every word they say to the two mega server farms doing sentiment analysis at the Googleplex and in Cupertino respectively.

The surge in jew awareness has got them shitting themselves.
@judgedread @mage I think that is why Team B will get Trump in. They are concerned stealing it this time might accelerate that process.

@DC5FAN @judgedread Yeah I can't imagine they let the palestine faction win this year lol

@mage @judgedread My sister-in-law is a big Kamala supporter, I'm going to explain Team A & Team B to her and explain why Trump will be the next president. (Was supposed to be Nikki Haley).

@DC5FAN @judgedread Seems to me that Russia/China are the global team B and that the west in general is getting bailed on by the big money.

@mage Team A and B are jew teams. Russia and China are playing a whole different ball game.

"Team A and B are jew teams. Russia and China are playing a whole different ball game."

Mage STILL thinks Russia and China are jew Team B. What part of *JEW* Team B doesn't he understand, LOL.

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