@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist I don't think saying something along the lines of fuck blackrock counts as communism.

@mage @transgrammaractivist Obviously fuck blackrock, but the point here is that businesses that operate at losses stop operating.

If you specifically tell companies "yeah you can't have any profit, but you're gonna eat all your loses" that's a great way for people to toss in the towel when they have their first loss.

@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist I would have more sympathy for the business side if I had not already worked for state connected mega corps who just have the government bail them out from their incompetence every time. They definitely earned that fuck you tbh. They screw both their employees and their clients and the only thing they care about it keeping the zionist boomer grift going for their managers.

@mage @transgrammaractivist For sure, that stuff is the "private gain/public loss" which is quite common now, because the public/private partnership was .. thought up to deal with poorly running publicly managed things.

The idea was that if people were enticed by the profit they could run things better. And some of them did .. for a time.

The problem ultimately is that people wanted to manage an increasingly complex society while making the oversight of said society as minimal as possible at the same time.

@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist Problem here is I don't view things in terms of government vs business. It's not my government and it's not my business. They both belong to some jew who hates whitey. So if I can hypothetically use a white government to fuck jew businesses, that's a good thing.

@mage @transgrammaractivist this is why hyperfocusing on the jew thing is bad.

This is a parasitic mindset.

@sickburnbro It's an imperialist mindset, which is the only true counter against their own imperialism.

@mage if you have a group of people who are not interested in following your laws making laws and rules then trying and box them in is a waste of time and will likely cause many bad side effects

@sickburnbro That's why you enforce it. I'm an authoritarian. Fuck you jew businesses give me your money or you can get shot.

@mage "no jews allowed" is a simpler and more honest rule in this case

@sickburnbro That doesn't accomplish the goal of conquering their monopoly holdings. I want to take their shit. They stole it. It doesn't belong to them. We're taking it back.

@mage I think "no jews allowed" covers that quite well. The rest is details.

@sickburnbro There's no praxis way to enact that policy under the current regime, but there is a way to seize their private assets, so that's the next best thing. Why would you be against taking their shit on principle when they'll never reciprocate that respect for you?

@mage I mean, I hate to tell you, but you're not gonna be seizing any of their assets either.
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