Please let this be true. I'll rub every shitlib's nose in it from now until the bombs fall if this happens!

He's big friends with O-bomber, so it wouldn't be shocking.

People kept saying that Biden was Obama's 3rd term but it was really more like Dubya's 5th term.

@CoQ_10 @caekislove @thendrix I can't imagine trump would do anything to hurt their interests anyway, why bother

Trump owns real estate, so at least he's got skin in the game of an economic collapse. Obama IV is literally going to ban firearms and start ending private property. That's a big difference.

They even had Bill Clinton brag about his 90's AWB, and how they're going further this time. They want your bolt actions not just your ARs. GOA has a plan with the Trump/Vance admin, but people like you would squander it. If you get the right advisors on board you don't get shit like ACB on the bench.

@thendrix @caekislove @CoQ_10 I'd rather have civil war than have woke society continue. Vote left. Death to this godless fag society.

It's too bad you won't be able to tell me what you think if we get it.

@thendrix @caekislove @CoQ_10 That's acceptable. Whereas living long term in wokeland is not acceptable.

We don't have men strong enough to rebuild, so it will just be endless turf wars for narco city-states.


@thendrix @caekislove @CoQ_10 Sounds like an improvement compared to the current state. I'll take it.

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