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I didn't say it was. You're going to have to separate those two points.
How does it level the playing field and for who?
If it leads to an overturn of the NFA/GCA then I'm sure you can put two and two together to see why that would be an objective good thing for us. Let me break this down for you a bit more

>giggle switch is illegal
>nigger installs giggle switch anyway
>White does not install giggle switch because he doesn't want to go to prison for 10 years

>giggle switch no longer illegal
>nigger installs giggle switch
>White man also installs giggle switch

You can see this logic, correct
It has zero impact on federal law. He wasnt even charged federally. It wont even touch the NFA. Its just a judge letting a nigger go.
I understand that - but it is *some* pretense. Not enough, but a step in the right direction even though Daquizzle got off scott free.
No its a step in the wrong direction matty. Its literally letting a criminal go because you think it might maybe help down the line. The most likely consequence is the nigger shoots someone not that whites receive less scrutiny for guns.
It didn't let the criminal go.

The case simply threw out the "illegal machine gun" charge.

All of the other charges are still there.
It did let him go hes only charged with possession of an illegal gun. He was already out anyway on bond
So he's still charged with a crime.

What's the problem?
No hes not they dropped all the charges because of the decision. Hes out free.
The ruling only bounced the "illegal machinegun charge."

If the prosecutor declined to prosecute on anything else, that's on him.

Here's the ruling where only the machinegun charge was set aside:
The charge of illegal possession is what all the other charges stemmed from. He got to walk and retards are celebrating it because the judge used conservative talking points. If the judge made a liberal argument for his release would you be ok with it?
The only retards here are the prosecutor that decided to base all the charges on the illegal machine gun ban.

And those that think that that "conservative" and liberal" mean anything.

Simply possessing a machine gun should not be a crime.
So youre cool with him being released on principle?
On the principle of the illegal machinegun charge, yes.

That switch should have never been illegal.

If he did something else illegal, then he should be charged for that thing.

Are you dense?
Then your principle is bad and easily used against you.
Well it's a good thing we have people like you around to tell us our principles are bad.

Your opinion is noted and filed.

If your principle is "nigger gang bangers should be allowed to walk around with automatic glocks" yes its a bad principle. Thats the result of what youre advocatin.
You, again, are taking two separate things and combining them.

Which is wrong and stupid.

1. nigger gang bangers

2. automatic glocks

I am in favor of getting rid of one but not the other.

What part of your brain is defective and doesn't get that?
But you dont wanna lock up said nigger gang banger for possesing an illegal modified gun. Your principle mandates that nigger should be allowed to have it up until he kills someone with it. Why should i accept that principle?
So what else do you want to ban that a nigger gangbanger might use to kill someone?

semi-auto guns?
No i want niggers with illegal guns to be put in jail. I dont wanna celebrate because someone let a nigger off but said it was over the 2A and not muh adverse impacts.
There are plenty of other things to put nigger gangbangers in jail for.

Just not this.

Go fish.
Yes you celebrate niggers getting a pass because of your dumbass principle. This nigger shouldve been put in jail for a long time. Hopefully he doesnt shoot or rob any white people with that fully auto glock you think is so important to defend him having.
No, you fucking retard.

I am celebrating that regular people should be able to own full auto weapons.

If you have a problem with the prosecutor not charging this guy with his other crimes, take it up with him.

Leave the machineguns alone.
According to you this gangbanging nigger is a "normal person" this decision as you have already admitted anyway does not expand gun rights and is only actually just letting a nigger go. You support it based on nothing but a dumb principle you hold about gun rights. Not because its sound or good or moral.
> According to you this gangbanging nigger is a "normal person"

I said no such thing.

Stop putting words in my mouth, faggot.
>this guys should be allowed to own a machine gun
>celebrate his release because muh 2nd amendment
>this will let normal people own machine guns
If you think he shouldnt be charged for it youre grouping him with normal people. Its not my fault your dumb and the principle you stand on is retarded.

I don't have the luxury to stand on principles when we are fucking losing. You know who stands on principles? republican retards.

Losers. Losers fight with and extend their principles of goodwill to people who would do anything to obliterate them, and that's why we're losing. You don't extend your principles to your enemies.

You take a small loss for a bigger gain, that's called an investment my nigga.

Theres zero gain for this decision. Didnt you have to move states to avoid niggers with glock switches.

The fact that Whites are so Hellbent on following the law as a general collective is getting them wasted. Anything that would put you idiots on equal ground through the word of the law would help you immensely since you're not big on crime (you are not black, after all).

@Owl @transgrammaractivist @Goalkeeper @WilhelmIII @matty @sickburnbro I've gone into my own rants about White obsession with, and faith in, legalism. It needs to stop.
@Eiswald @Owl @transgrammaractivist @Goalkeeper @WilhelmIII @matty @sickburnbro The law is meant to help my friends and hurt my enemy's. That's it's intent. If it's doing the opposite t​hen the law is bad
@DEERBLOOD @Eiswald @Owl @transgrammaractivist @Goalkeeper @WilhelmIII @matty @sickburnbro People need to stop worshiping the law and the constitution. It's no wonder the kikes run things in this society.
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