I love the fact that even if you had a real 4k crystal clear video of bigfoot, the footage would be called fake, the guy who took it might lose his job if it stirs up enough shit and professionals who at least try to take it seriously can suffer a major reputation hit in their circles.

I'm starting to think bigfoot is embedded with the US Government.
Case in point, this is a perfectly clear image. If you had this identical photo but of a big squid, nobody would question it.

You will never have acceptance of bigfoot until they finally launch the coup

@confederatehobo I used to sleep in the woods at night with zero worries and I've heard so many skinwalker stories and shit now they kinda creep me out ngl

The idea of spooks and goblins never bothered me much while camping. it's something i do every week. Even the creepiest crawly still has rules that you can abide by.

My close calls have always been with critters that wear pants.

@confederatehobo It seems like an innocent time in life when I thought bears were all I had to worry about

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