when it comes to stuff like programming "we're collectively too dumb to do it that way" is honestly a pretty good defense

nobody would criticize a wheelchair-bound cripple for not being able to run. the problem comes when healthy people strap themselves into wheelchairs and pretend their legs don't work because "that's what microsoft does" or whatever
part of my job is talking my boss out of going down wacky language/framework/architecture decisions not because they're bad, but because the hiring has not been great lately (and I don't want to be stuck cleaning up some jeet's 10 minute understanding of what we were trying to do)
"no, java and python are fine, fine languages... yesss we will put everything in spring boot... no you don't need a kubernetes resource for that you can just put the behavior in a container......"

@BronzeAgeHogCranker @deprecated_ii @Nudhul You're preaching to the choir on not wanting to support diversity hires so don't get the wrong idea. Programming's not my area of expertise, I was just curious.

Well it's my controversial-to-autists hot take that it is actually a good language, for people that like to use the computer to get shit done

Not so much because of anything inherent to the language but rather the ecosystem, support, etc. The JVM has been pretty well optimized and runs on just about anything

Somebody REEEEEing about not writing X in Rust or Scala or whatever and making a big stink is not a good asset in these organizations, they're a liability of a kind opposite to the jeets (who will nod along and say "yes saar I will do the needful" to whatever you say and fail to competently implement anything)

@BronzeAgeHogCranker @deprecated_ii @Nudhul I have restarted many a jvm to fix production issues believe me. The total data center structure of large organization is such a rat's nest of different acquisitions that nobody really understands all the dependencies until they break it.

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