Guy whos so tired of hearing gabniggers talking about jews he starts defending them

@shedinja everyone who bitches about gab every week is a jew anyway. the fuck is gab doing to you otherwise

How much is torba paying you to defend his site?

@LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja Nothing. Torba's a boomer and all he does is not ban me, which is apparently too much for any of you fags to handle.

@LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja better admin than you homos, you can't handle one guy trolling you without a ban

You can't not advocate for fucking children wherever you go. Maybe we should send torba an email with your posts.

@LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja Raising a daughter to be a good wife in the future is just normal parenting, it is neither grooming nor pedophilia. You fags just want women to be sterile and homos and that's what your problem is. You're anti-natalists. I'm proud to oppose you. You're destroying society and my worldview is better than yours and I'm on the side of God.

@ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja None yet thanks to the zionists, hence why I'm opposing them. But don't worry. We'll fix that problem soon enough.

>jews are why women don't like me
Ok nigga lmao. I'll be sure to keep my kids away from you

@ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja My last girlfriend totally liked me. I just didn't want to put a ring on caring for some other nigger's bastards.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja You're defending the worst society that has ever existed against me who's criticizing it for being trash. No U


@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja You're a faggot. The idea women should be raised to be wives is not controversial to the majority of the planet. Your fag brain just can't cope with God's design.

You can't get away from it because you want to model the world after a sex trafficking child rapist jew.

That doesn't make you based it just makes you a pedophile jew.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja You're against heterosexual marriages because all you care about is defending federal reserve con artists. You're a commie. Everything you say is projection. I don't have to listen to a pathetic homo like you. I'm better than you are. Get jihaded heretic.

You don't have to listen to anything I say yet you keep coming back to us lmao.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja Because I enjoy this performance for the audience's benefit, so that they can see how weak your character and arguments are. This benefits me the longer you keep playing. Shall we continue?

You don't have an audience. Do you understand you act exactly like the kikes you supposedly hate?

You want to fuck kids. You can't stay on one instance for any amount of time before the people kick you out. You act like you have never done anything wrong. It's everyone else's fault and never your own. You have delusions of grandeur about your own posting.

Shall I continue?

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I've never been banned off gab in over 5 years. Your fedi admins being discord fags who flake in a week is not my problem, that's their weakness. You'd call anyone increasing the white birth rate a pedo. All you have is trash talk against anyone fixing the problems that your values can't solve.

You want to kidnap White girls and sex traffick them. You should be beaten to death.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja Liberating them from your commie nigger society would be an improvement for their lives. You should get your face blown off.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I should ask you that fed glasses. NSA? I wish I was getting that sweet socialist welfare, my life would be a lot better.

Your life couldn't get much worse. You're a jew, a pedophile, you have no friends so you have to constantly come back where you're not wanted for attention.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I'm having a great time trolling you cringe godless heretics. The light will overpower you filthy niggers and you'll get washed down the drain like you deserve. Suck my dick satanist garbage.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I look forward to you guys running away behind bans when I beat you again then too.

Yeah dude. You're totally winning. You're on your twelfth account in as many months.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja Because your admins are fags like discord. Your weakness not mine. Chad ban evader vs virgin rule cuck. Get btfo'd homo

Nozaki doesn't even ban you, retard. If you get kicked off 109 instances maybe it's you and not everyone else you retarded kike.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I would troll 1009 jew admins and enjoy it the whole time. You will never have narrative control here. Get over it. Admit defeat to your superior

Listen to how jewish you are. You're declaring victory in a fight no one is having with you after getting tossed out of every instance on the fediverse. Have you tried pawoo? I think those guys would be receptive to your message.
He willingly went to 109 instances lol. He can interact with the rest of fedi but refuses because all he wants is the attention of poasters. I think the only instances he's actually been banned from were poast, seal, and
@nozaki @LostShakerOfSalt @mage @ColPeatGuano @shedinja This all could have been avoided if he didn't sperg out about the word "fascism" on a dumb libtard political comic years ago lol
Welcome back potential kiddie diddler, you enjoy your time at Epstein island? We gonna do this again in a month when you're on another alt?​
why does the nigger keep making alts man i don't get it
Negative attention is still attention. It's probably one of the only things he has going in his life.
Why can't you Mugiboys just give him a shot over on your side of the fence? Teach him how to man up?

Do you want me to resubmit your application?
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@tyler @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja @abner why do your fag admins ban everyone who counter signals them. Torba could handle it for years but you guys can't even last a week

Why don't you just go to gab since it's so great?

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Because this is my land bitch. Get out. You aren't in charge here.

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