@xuya @Dan_Hulson can you believe these nigger bong put U’s in words that don’t need them. it’s an island full of retards
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @xuya @Dan_Hulson Good Morning, Jean. I am. Yesterday was so lovely I am still in a good mood.
@TimeSpent @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @xuya "Good morning, Dan, you look so handsome as always and I love you more than that wog Jeanburg"
@Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @xuya If I said that, Graffren would immediately sense it and pop in to ask the Dan question.
Good Morning, Dan Hulson. You are quite handsome everyday and know very well I love you.
@TimeSpent @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @xuya Morning, beautiful. Yea, just wanted a better gm than Jeanburg. Need make things about me.
@Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux Good Morning Dicey. It's a beautiful day here. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
@Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux I woke up at 4 am to group of drunk college kids autistically screaming "where the bitches at" in the parking lot of a church out back. Odd start but still a wonderful day.
@TimeSpent @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux there are drunk people constantly passing in front of my house since the beach promenade is right in front of my house. At night a drunk group was singing flamenco and touching their palms flamenco style
@Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux I lived in a beach house during college. I'm always happy, staring at water.
Today's my day for music, chores and dancing around the house like a retard until ppl are ready to go out to dinner.
@TimeSpent @Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux
I live in a beach bungalow now because I always dreamed of living by the beach growing up, but life would never cooperate, so I had too sell EVERYTHING in order too get the fuck out of the Midwest. The Midwest is like a black hole that sucks you in and traps you.
@Jonny @Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux My life has always been for other ppl. Every move in service. I no longer have that obligation so I am going to f*ck off for once and be a little selfish. I have zero plan on where.
I'm not sure I could cope with the midwest again. Passive aggressive is cultural and that shit drives me nuts.
@TimeSpent @Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux
You wouldn’t believe the shit I went through too get too Hawai’i.
Now that I’m here, you can’t pry me out with a crow bar.
@mage @Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent
More input please. What does that mean?

Speaking of “more input” what ever happened too Johnny5Alive?
@mage @Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent
Wait, am I passive aggressive? I always try too be just plain old aggressive

@Jonny @Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent I heard my parents fight over the kitchen stuff so many times lol. Why didn't you put this back where it goes?! 🤣

@Jonny @Diceyocean @supamayne @Tadg_macNuadat @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent women love being negged. Just say stuff like, you did a good job cooking tonight babe, for a woman. 😏

@mage @Diceyocean @supamayne @Tadg_macNuadat @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent
Oh shit, you just hit me with victim status. I don’t have the reverse Uno card for that one

@Jonny @Diceyocean @supamayne @Tadg_macNuadat @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent no worries man I don't want to fight. midwest has no bitches, probly moving back to texas tbh

@mage @Diceyocean @supamayne @Tadg_macNuadat @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent
What makes Texas women so cool is all the Mexican hookers that prevent White women from being prudes
@mage @Diceyocean @supamayne @Tadg_macNuadat @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent
Have you ever heard the parable about the guy who felt sorry about himself because he couldn’t afford new shoes?
He then saw a guy who didn’t have any feet.

Insert your bullshit into pipe, and smoke
Jonny and the Lunch Lady kissing in a kitchen
first came love, then came marriage, then came something scary in the baby carriage.
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