Fuck off Gabnigger faggot. Reciting something doesn't mean anything just because you say it.

Be told saying something is not direct evidence to committing toward said quoted template or its ideals

"Hurr say it then."

We get that you Gabniggers are both pretentious and performative but kindly fuck off back there thanks.

Always funny to outdo the tryhard performative nu-Nazis of Poa.st as a muttoid Asian. I'll accept your concession.

They walk around acting like their White skin is like having Exodia in Yu-Gi-Oh or something, like it automatically makes them intelligent and capable of constructive behaviour and reasoning.


I grew up in a trailer park. I can tell you from personal experience that's not the case. Would I take my own dregs over niggers? That's like asking if I'd take a broken arm over being shot, yes but ideally I'd rather abstain.


also Dutton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6fRCaW-ses

Not saying all Whites are smart or well behaved. But they are much closer to you (if you are White) genetically than anybody else.

Being White doesn't matter if you're an incompetent fuckwit criminal.

@Owl @BroDrillard @confederatehobo @Goalkeeper @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta Call it what it is, being white does not exempt it from being a nigger. One of the few creatures beneath the standard ape configuration nigger on the totem pole, the white nigger is both a nigger and a traitor. :angrynoises:

these foul creatures lose the capital "W".

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