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@EscapeVelo arresting guys for wrong think is all this trash regime has since they can't offer the people anything of value

I've killed so many flies in my house lately. I am like the genghis khan of killing flies.

@sickburnbro I would certainly appreciate it if trump did that, but I do not expect it to happen. Most likely younger people are going to forge the post-regime path in spite of trump's opposition.

I used to have a pair of these bitches that I virtually never wore, but I totally regret throwing them out now.

Send me occult conspiracy charts and obscure arcane knowledge anon

Step away from the high school age clone of my dead wife, hag.

@sickburnbro I would like to congratulate all 10 people who live in kansas. 🎉 🥂

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.