@WayoftheWorld barren whores shitting up our lands with their wide open hallway vaginas

@Jonny @Diceyocean @supamayne @Tadg_macNuadat @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent no worries man I don't want to fight. midwest has no bitches, probly moving back to texas tbh

@Jonny @Diceyocean @supamayne @Tadg_macNuadat @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent women love being negged. Just say stuff like, you did a good job cooking tonight babe, for a woman. 😏

@Jonny @Diceyocean @xuya @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @TimeSpent I heard my parents fight over the kitchen stuff so many times lol. Why didn't you put this back where it goes?! 🤣

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@[email protected] @CJ99 @SilverDeth @neofugue @Starprophet @Charles_in_Charge We don't like in 1930s germany, it's foolish to assume you have to copy what NS did in order to stage a revolt successfully

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