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@TarnishedYarmulke jews 🤝 niggers
🤝 accurate drawings of them are "hateful"

@cunnerman I don't think marx invented niggers. Liberal equality tards aren't marxists. Granted there is some (((overlap))).

@TylerAbeoJordan You're a boomer jew and communists gained ground because you never had the balls to shut them down.

@TylerAbeoJordan Fuck your freedom you hippy faggot. Your ideology is the reason America's a shithole now.

@lain steak and bj day is now jerky and handy day, because of woke.

@Marko twenty bucks says he'll still arrest you for promoting nazis and opposing israel

@cjd Smart move by france to grab him now they can pressure russia for a deal on other things.

@TylerAbeoJordan You are doing nothing more than sitting around waiting to be conquered yet you're proud of it, you're a fool. The empire never collapses it only changes forms and moves HQ elsewhere.

When I raise property taxes on people like you, you won't do anything about it. Your votes are fake they don't even count. You'll give up your shit or be killed by the police and in the end you'll have been defeated by a superior organization. All you're doing is building more shit for them.

@sickburnbro These guys cornered themselves by making sex trafficking and "pedos" their big moral crusade because anyone who does cancel women's rights is going to have those buzzwords being thrown at them. It's basically one or the other. He's not really against women's emancipation.

@sickburnbro Ask this dude if their 1st and 2nd amendment rights should be canceled and I'll bet he changes his tune. That is what their "emancipation" was based on.

@KiKi88 is that a mustache? I just assume all political "women" are trannies now.

@TylerAbeoJordan You're living in a fantasy land where people can individually bootstrap their way out of imperialism. You'll never cancel any commies further away than your back yard while they totally encircle you.

@TylerAbeoJordan anarchism always loses to imperialism. Go live in CHAZ if you don't like states.

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