
So....on the TFM show 02/24/2024 we got some insight on @VooDooMedic
If you are one ugly bastard and cant get laid to save your life there is now hope. You can end your sad pathetic life of being a social pariah. The solution? It's as easy as dressing up in a furry suit, kangaroo or wallaby preferred. Then be prepared for a night of passionate lovemaking by getting plowed by Voodoo. >No questions asked<
So walk, no, run to your local furry outlet and reclaim your lost self worth.

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@marlathetourist @VooDooMedic

-be me, like costumes
-find it funny to mess with people
-buy multiple mascot style costumes
-prank people constantly
-friends think I'm a fury

Funny enough I do have a Frank The Bunny costume, great flick.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @VooDooMedic Its all fun and games at the furry party until voodoo shows up

@marlathetourist hahahahaah don't tempt me with a good time 🤣

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